Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Possible Change!

Hey guys, this is N.S. Katherine. Lately I've been feeling that I don't have a strong base of Katie's POV or just of her's and Rob's relationship. The development is lacking and I feel like a lot of it is just being...mushy, for lack of another term. So, for a while now there has been this idea shifting around in my head of another way to start it. A completely other sequence of events and just events in general of their relationship getting started and progressing. It has really been growing on me. I really think that it would be a lot stronger and, frankly, a great deal better than what I already have. I'm not completely depleting what's there already nor am I changing the main parts of the plot, just shifting or adding on to it. 

I'm not going to tell you details of what I'm wanting to do instead, but I do want your thoughts. 
In a while though I might have written a little of this new version and I might share it and ask for your opinion, but for now, just tell me what you think of this! 

